Demand-supply matching


The service targets companies that offer services, components or materials subject to recycling, or that are in demand for such offerings. It provides means to publish, search and select supplier offerings and demander needs for digitized auctioning and contract establishment.


Suppliers and demanders publish their offerings and needs, which then can be searched for to identify potential business links that can be explored further with other DigiPrime services, or through auctioning to achieve market equlibirium between these stakeholders. The stakeholders can act upon their own behalf, or rely on a third party broker for these interactions.


For suppliers:
Matches with possible customers (demanders) of the offered services, components or materials. Established signed digitized (Ricardian) contracts representing call-offs (e.g. with price and volumes stated) towards previously established frame agreements that regulates legal aspects for the forthcoming trade.

For demanders:
Matches with possible suppliers of needed services, components or materals, captured in contracts as for the suppliers.

For brokers:
Matches between possible suppliers and demanders of services, components or materials, captured in contracts that are signed on behalf of the suppliers and/or demanders that are represented by the broker.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, DT-ICT-07-2018-2019 “Digital Manufacturing Platforms for Connected Smart Factories” topic, under Grant Agreement ID 873111