The service is targeted to stakeholders (companies) dealing with post -use product conditions; it implements decision algorithms to define the best circular economy strategy for the products that return for post – use to the shop floors
De and remanufacturing Decision Support System
The service is based on data provided by the shop floors or other DigiPrime services. This data describes the condition of a product during its return phase and the service combines all the incoming data and produces an output choosing the most suitable circular economy strategy which is implemented, i.e., rework, repair, recycle.
The service outputs for the stakeholders include:
- Notification of the circular economy strategy implemented to the returned product so it returns to the most efficient position inside the CE strategies
- Notification of the scenario results tested based on the incoming data for the same return products.
- Reports on the results of different circular economy strategies implemented for the same returned product create by combining multiple scenarios
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, DT-ICT-07-2018-2019 “Digital Manufacturing Platforms for Connected Smart Factories” topic, under Grant Agreement ID 873111