Service targeted to regional governments and local stakeholders (companies and research centers) dealing with circular economy; it provides automated identifications of possible cross-regional/cross sectorial circular value chains and circular synergies among stakeholders.
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Service provision is based on a series of data sheets to be filled-in by regional officers and local stakeholders and four automated mechanisms able to elaborate the data and find matchings between sectors of activities, needs of regions, companies’ innovation capabilities, research capabilities, etc.
For regional officers:
• Dashboard with data related to circular economy in the region, automatically updated each time a new local stakeholder provides inputs.
• Notification of possible cross sectorial and/or cross regional circular value chains.
• Notification of possible solutions (through innovation or research capabilities) of regional circular economy issues
For local stakeholders:
• (Companies) Notification of circular economy synergies with other companies inside or outside the region; notification of possible business opportunities.
• (Research centres) Notification of research needed by companies or regional authorities.