Open Call Type B - Announcement

The Open Call Type B is now closed and the proposals are under evaluation.

The DigiPrime Open Call Type B finance:

  • proposals expanding the DigiPrime already existing Pilots to connect with sectors/pilots that provide or use materials, as well as components in/from the DigiPrime pilots;
  • proposals investigating new pilots focusing on the same components and materials of the DigiPrime already existing pilots, but exploring novel and different application contexts;
  • proposals focusing on totally new pilots.

The Open Call Type B finance sub-projects with a duration of 6 months.

The total Funds available are 1.2 million EURO. The funding rate is 70%, the maximum DigiPrime contribution per single applicant is 100’000.00 EURO; the maximum DigiPrime contribution for proposals submitted by Consortia is 200’000.00 EURO. The call is reserved to SMEs, as defined by the EU law (EC recommendation 2003/361/EU); and Consortia of SMEs, in line with Horizon 2020 Eligibility Criteria.




DigiPrime Open Call Type B

Objective: Call for Pilots in new sectors using the DigiPrime digital platform, services and basic data transfer functionalities

Dates: open 01/11/2022 – close 10/01/2023

Eligibility: Only SMEs are eligible to apply (EU law: EC recommendation 2003/361/EC)

Total funds available: 1’200’000 EUR

Duration of Sub-Projects: 6 months

Financing Rate: 70%

Maximum DigiPrime financing contribution: 100’000.00 EUR per each SME participating in the call, the maximum DigiPrime Contribution per each Consortia of SMEs is 200’000.00 EUR

Submission: Proposals submitted via DigiPrime website dedicated area

Evaluation Process: Eligibility check, eligible proposals will be evaluated by External Evaluators (3 different evaluators will assess each proposals individually and then will reach consensus during a dedicated Consensus Meeting), ranking of proposals and final decision validated by DigiPrime Coordinator.


DigiPrime Open Call Type B is open. All the relevant documents related to the Open call content and for the submission of proposals can be found at this link, including:

  • Annex 1: Open Call Text, which provides the scope and objectives of the Open Call and will be largely disseminated, together with the “Open Call Announcement”, a simple form with the basic info for a immediate dissemination also on social media.
  • Annex 2: Guidelines for Applicants, which sets out the guidelines for participation.
  • Annex 3: Application Form, with questions that need to be addressed by applicants.
  • Annex 4: Proposal Supplement, a document providing information on proposal schedule, timing, and other details.
  • Annex 5: Sub-grant Agreement Template, which provides a template of the sub-grant agreement that the successful applicants will be requested to sign.
  • Annex 6: SME Declaration, which evaluates the status of the SMEs participating at the open call. Please notice: In the case of an SME consortium, each applicant must provide its own declaration.
  • Annex 7: Declaration of Honour, which declares that all conditions of the open call are accepted by an SME legal representative. Please notice: In the case of an SME consortium, each applicant must provide its own declaration.
  • Annex 8: Bank Account Information, which collects information on the applicant’s bank account where the payments will be transferred to. Please notice: bank account is required only after proposal positivie evaluation. Bank account is not required during the proposal submission.
  • Annex 9: Technical Annex, providing technical information about the platform architecture, the interfaces and data models that will be provided to third parties for the development of new services.
  • Annex 10: Guidelines for the Evaluators, with information on the whole evaluation process, including the technical part.

For further information, please write to:

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, DT-ICT-07-2018-2019 “Digital Manufacturing Platforms for Connected Smart Factories” topic, under Grant Agreement ID 873111