Open Call Type A - Announcement

DigiPrime Open Call Type A has been successfully implemented. The Open Call Type A is now closed and the proposals have been evaluated.


A detailed description of all the relevant details concerning the DigiPrime Open Call Type A is here provided.

  • Annex 1: Open Call Text, which provides the scope and objectives of the Open Call and will be largely disseminated, together with the “Open Call Announcement”, a simple form with the basic info for a immediate dissemination also on social media.
  • Annex 2: Guidelines for Applicants, which sets out the guidelines for participation.
  • Annex 3: Application Form, with questions that need to be addressed by applicants.
  • Annex 4: Proposal Supplement, a document providing information on proposal schedule, timing, and other details.
  • Annex 5: Sub-grant Agreement Template, which provides a template of the sub-grant agreement that the successful applicants will be requested to sign.
  • Annex 6: SME Declaration, which evaluates the status of the SMEs participating at the open call. Please notice: In the case of an SME consortium, each applicant must provide its own declaration.
  • Annex 7: Declaration of Honour, which declares that all conditions of the open call are accepted by an SME legal representative. Please notice: In the case of an SME consortium, each applicant must provide its own declaration.
  • Annex 8: Bank Account Information, which collects information on the applicant’s bank account where the payments will be transferred to. Please notice: bank account is required only after proposal positivie evaluation. Bank account is not required during the proposal submission.
  • Annex 9: Technical Annex, providing technical information about the platform architecture, the interfaces and data models that will be provided to third parties for the development of new services.
  • Annex 10: Guidelines for the Evaluators, with information on the whole evaluation process, including the technical part.


For further information:

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, DT-ICT-07-2018-2019 “Digital Manufacturing Platforms for Connected Smart Factories” topic, under Grant Agreement ID 873111